Kate Ashby - B.Phty

Kate Ashby is a part time member of the Palmwoods Physiotherapy team, also working as a Physiotherapist in the Emergency Department of the Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health service. Kate has a degree in Physiotherapy from the “University of Birmingham” UK (2003) and has completed post graduate studies in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy at the “University of Northumbria Newcastle” (2005).

Kate enjoys treating a variety of musculoskeletal conditions with a balanced approach of manual therapy and exercise prescription. Kate’s passion for musculoskeletal Physiotherapy is coupled with an enjoyment of Pilates. Kate has completed extensive Pilates training in London, Hungary and Melbourne. Kate believes that a good Physiotherapist will assit a patient back to enjoying life and moving well. 

Outside of work Kate enjoys yoga, camping and having a coffee by the beach.